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Kirsten Ibbetson

Kirsten Ibbetson

No Nudity
  • Keywords:
    No Nudity, Other, Black Hair, Small Breasts, Real Breasts, Skinny Body

Top Scenes

Westside (2015-2018)
Sexy, underwear Ep. 03×06 | 00:03:29 Kirsten Ibbetson is skintastic in this sexy scene!

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Born and raised in New Zealand, Kirsten Ibbetson took a fairly traditional route into the acting world. She studied acting and drama in college then began acting in plays and auditioning after graduation. After a handful of small parts, she landed a lead role in the popular TV show Westside.   It’s in Westside that we get a nice look at Kirsten’s cleavage. At a party, she relaxes in a pool in a bikini and has a drink while we check that sweet cleavage out. 

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4 Pics & 2 Clips